Our Company
Unlike many "gurus" in the market and many "agencies", we actually have experience and knowledge in what we offer and we are committed to the success of our clients
Hubfy was born to help companies, professionals and entrepreneurs actually achieve real results, in response to a market saturated with “theory gurus” who are “war lecturers who have read books on the subject but have never actually been to one”, by On the contrary, we live in “war, we exchange shots, we win and lose battles, we bleed, we sweat, we cry”. We have morals, honor and property, unlike certain “gurus” and famous agencies in the market. We have experience, experience and completed our “baptism of fire” with specific training. We have the ability to speak, teach, do and deliver concrete results.
General Questions
When CEO and Founder Andre Richest Costa needed to grow and scale one of his businesses, he was faced with a sea of “gurus” in the market who were “mere theoreticians”, had read books, taken courses or even studied in depth on growth topics. and leveraging a business but never actually had one, never been sued or bankrupted a company or never built or raised a company and prepared it to be sold. The same happened when he looked for Digital Marketing agencies to leverage his business in the digital world, the agencies only wanted to know about “getting paid for their fees”, the content, results or positioning of the business didn’t matter, but they understood what they did, they didn’t know your clients’ business, how could they develop good marketing and growth strategies? As Andre already had a lot of experience in the corporate world and experience in building and selling businesses in practice, he knew how everything worked, specialized in marketing for digital businesses and created his own results. This showed him how polluted and contaminated the market is by false “gurus” and it was then that Hubfy was born, in response and as an alternative to these fakes. A serious, dedicated company focused on the growth and results of its clients.
We are experts in diagnosing your business, identifying your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, helping you see your current state and where you want to go and building a realistic Strategic Plan to get you where you need or want to go. We do this in a practical, quick and objective way. We implement processes and automate whatever is necessary and make your business machine lean and efficient. We have our own tools, such as CRM, Task Manager, Project Manager, ERP, Mail Marketing, Automatic Online Funnels, etc. for your business to grow without increasing costs and in a lean and automated way. We enhance your products, position your company, brand and/or product in your market and boost your sales. We document, teach you and show you our work and the actions necessary for you to stay at the top (even if you don’t stay with an agent), as we will put you there!
Our Advice & Execution method is based on three pillars:
1. Diagnosis – In this initial phase, we do an “X-ray” of your business, we try to understand your product, your services, your sales machine, your customer profile, your market, your niche, your competitors and your growth potential and positioning in this market. We examine your products to understand their maturity, life cycle and needs for improvement, addition or even abandonment and propose the necessary adjustments (we help you with this, we do it together). Finally, we look at your operation and detect what can be cut, improved, automated or replaced and propose adjustments.
2. Action Plan – In phase 2 (the second pillar), we develop an Action Plan and a Strategic Plan based on the results of phase 1. We focus energy and efforts on tasks and priority changes so that the business starts earning money, even though there are still many implementations left in the process. After ordering by priorities, we define roles and responsibilities and milestone dates in the plan, sign the plan and use it in execution.
3. Execution – In this last phase (the third pillar) we put the Action Plans created in line with the Strategic Plan (all prepared in the previous phase) to work. We start with priority actions so that our client can feel, perceive and see the first results right away. We will implement and, if necessary, readjust the plans and release broken releases in Sprints.
In the end, the client will have an incredible transformation, not only in their business, but also in their personal life, because if the businessman/entrepreneur also does not undergo a transformation, there will be no point in making so many efforts in the business, as just like an obese person who loses weight in the weight loss program regains everything again after, due to the “mentality factor” not having been worked on properly, thus, the business may collapse if the entrepreneur and businessman does not have his life in personal fullness and for this person, we apply our tool of personal transformation: MAVIS.